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Teaching Assistant, Coastal Sciences

The University of Southern Mississippi is currently accepting applications for the position of Teaching Assistant, Coastal Sciences.

Position Details
Location Gulf Coast Research Laboratory

703 East Beach Drive
Ocean Springs, Mississippi, 39564
United States
Division School of Ocean Science and Engineering
Position Type Staff
Employment Status Full Time
Grant Funded No
Pay Grade

Posting Close Date Open Until Filled

Special Instructions to Applicants
Applications for Teaching Assistant will be accepted on an ongoing basis and will be reviewed as needed.
Applicants should upload:
1) Curriculum Vitae.
2) Unofficial transcripts from all undergraduate and graduate institutions attended (official transcripts may be required if applicant is selected for a position).
3) Cover letter describing relevant education, research, and/or work experience related to the marine/coastal science field. Course(s) an applicant wishes to TA must be specified in cover letter.

Job Summary 
The University of Southern Mississippi’s Department of Coastal Sciences invites applications for teaching assistants to aid instructors in teaching field intensive marine science courses at the Gulf Coast Research Laboratory in Ocean Springs, Mississippi.  The courses will be offered as a part of the Gulf Coast Research Laboratory’s Summer Field Program during the summer intersession, first summer term, and second summer term. Class meets every weekday during the course term.  However, due to weather impacts on field activities, schedule flexibility is necessary. Possible overnight travel required.  Modification of teaching platform from field and lab intensive to virtual may be required. For information about the Summer Field Program, visit

We anticipate filling the following Teacher Assistant vacancies as needed:

Barrier Island Ecology – COA 448/448L three credit hours (2 lecture, 1 lab). Course Description: This field course will familiarize students with concepts of coastal ecology with emphasis on the diversity of plant and animal communities unique to the northern Gulf of Mexico barrier islands. Students will take field excursions to barrier islands during this course. Topics covered include marsh, submerged, and barrier island vegetation, aquatic and terrestrial invertebrates, mammals, birds and reptiles, intertidal and shallow subtidal communities, and geologic processes of island dynamics.

Cetacean Behavior- COA 444 three credit hours (3 lecture). Course description: Students will learn tools and techniques used in the systematic observation and documentation of delphinid behavior in the wild. Course includes both classroom lecture and field studies focused primarily on dolphins of the Mississippi Sound.

Elasmobranch Biology – COA 422/522, 422L/522L, six credit hours (3 lecture, 3 lab). Course Description: This specialized course will provide students with an overview of elasmobranch (sharks, skates and rays) biology, ecology and taxonomy. Lectures will cover such topics as evolution, anatomy and physiology, sensory systems, behavior and ecology.  Students will be introduced to the diversity of elasmobranchs and will learn how to identify species. Special emphasis will be given to the species common to the Gulf of Mexico. Laboratory work will consist of several inshore and offshore collecting trips, as well as dissections.

Marine Conservation – COA 450/550, 450L/550L, five credit hours (3 lecture, 2 lab). Course Description: This course will introduce students to conservation biology and ecology with a focus on marine and coastal ecosystems. Topics may include biodiversity, marine ecosystems processes and threats, conservation of habitat and species, and human impacts, solutions, and policy. The course will consist of lectures, field trips, and laboratory exercises designed to provide students with hands-on experience in marine conservation biology.

Marine Ichthyology – COA 421/521, COA 421L/521L, six credit hours (3 lecture, 3 lab). Course Description: is an intensive marine biological field course, which engages students to collect and identify marine fishes in numerous habitats in the Gulf of Mexico. Students experience a variety of land-based and vessel-based collection techniques, such as seining, cast netting, hook and line fishing, trawling, trolling, dip netting and many others. Students must work effectively alone and in teams and participate in field expeditions to complete the course objectives. Successful students gain an appreciation for taxonomic identities of fishes and the synergism between abiotic and biotic factors that drive marine fish distribution and faunal diversity in the northern Gulf of Mexico.

Marine Invertebrate Zoology - COA 428/528, 428L/528L, six credit hours (3 lecture/3 laboratory). Course description: This course is a concentrated study of the marine and estuarine invertebrates from the Mississippi Sound and contiguous continental shelf of the northeastern Gulf of Mexico. Emphasis is on structure, classification, phylogenic relationships, larval development, and functional processes. Prerequisites: Two semesters of biology or permission of instructor.  

Marine Mammals – COA 443/543, 443L/543L, five credit hours (3 lecture, 2 lab). Course Description: This course is an overview of the biology of marine mammals (cetaceans, pinnipeds, sirenians, sea otters and the polar bear), including their classification, evolutionary history, anatomy, physiology, behavior, conservation and management. Course will be online in 2025.

Marine Sciences I: Oceanography – COA 300/300L, five credit hours (3 lecture, 2 lab). Course Description: This course provides a multidisciplinary foundation in oceanography, specifically the terminology, principles, processes, relationships and phenomena pertaining to three of its sub-disciplines: physical, geological and chemical oceanography. The importance of the interaction of biotic and abiotic processes in the ocean will be addressed through exploration of timely issues in ocean science.

Marine Sciences II: Marine Biology – COA 301/301L, five credit hours (3 lecture, 2 lab). Course Description: An ecological approach is taken to understand the biology of marine systems with emphasis on local organisms, their habitats, life cycles and survival strategies.

Marine Toxicology – COA 490/590: Special Topics – Marine Toxicology five credit hours. Course Description: This course will introduce students to the concepts of aquatic toxicology. Lectures will cover history and basic concepts of toxicology with a focus on aquatic issues, modern molecular techniques commonly used in modern toxicology applications, an overview of common xenobiotics, and experimental design. Lab activities will focus on basic toxicological skills, including exposure setup and monitoring, endpoint selection and basic molecular techniques. Course will be online in 2025.

Primary Duties and Responsibilities:  

  1. Gather and prepare necessary supplies and lab equipment for lab and field activities. Return equipment to be ready for use by another course after lab or field trip
  2. Coordinate field experiences, including field lunches from the GCRL cafeteria, vehicle and vessel use, and temporary use of community resources.
  3. Follow laboratory safety rules; ensure students follow laboratory safety rules.
  4. Assist instructor with administering tests, quizzes, grading, and delivering course content in lecture, laboratory, discussion, and online formats, etc.
  5. Maintain communication with Summer Field Program staff members. Follow the policies and procedures of the University of Southern Mississippi.
  6. Performs other duties as required.

Minimum Qualifications 
  • B.S. in Biology, Zoology, Coastal Science or related scientific field (*Exceptionally qualified undergraduate students will be considered if accompanied by relevant TA experience).
  • Thorough knowledge of the course an applicant wishes to teach, including relevant field work and/or research experience.
  • Uphold the mission and values of USM, College of Arts & Sciences, and the School of Ocean Science and Engineering.

Knowledge, Skills & Abilities
  • Ability to assist with conducting a field course in various habitats along the Northern Gulf of Mexico.
  • Able and willing to drive a 15 passenger vans on class field trips.
  • Criminal history and background check clearance.

Preferred Qualifications  
  • Prior teaching assistant experience in an undergraduate and/or graduate program.
  • Experience using Canvas, Blackboard, or other online learning platform.

About The University of Southern Mississippi
Since our founding in 1910, The University of Southern Mississippi has remained dedicated to preparing students for success. We deliver programs to more than 13,000 students in Hattiesburg and Long Beach, at teaching and research sites across the Mississippi Gulf Coast, as well as online. We are a community-engaged Carnegie R1 university, earning distinction as one of the nation's leading research institutions.

Southern Miss is known for pioneering work in polymer science, ocean science, spectator sports safety and security, and bringing language to children with communication disorders. We are also a national leader in a broad range of disciplines, including cybersecurity, hydrography, nutrition, aquaculture, kinesiology, and economic development, among others.

We produce graduates ready to enter fields that are leading the way in emerging technologies through programs such as computer engineering, information technology, and ocean engineering. We’re developing the next generation of business leaders, while also responding to critical workforce shortages by producing skilled professionals in education and nursing. With a tradition of excellence in the arts, we are one of only 36 public institutions in the nation accredited in four major areas of the arts. Home to the Golden Eagles, our student-athletes compete in 17 NCAA Division I sports. With a culture marked by passion and persistence, Southern Miss is delivering graduates who are ready for life. For more information, visit

As an Affirmative Action/Equal Employment Opportunity employer/Americans with Disabilities Act institution, The University of Southern Mississippi encourages minorities, women, veterans and persons with disabilities to apply.


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